Sunday, July 3, 2016

A Is For Acceptance

This past week I have been thinking a lot about what I last posted.  It was really good for me to come clean with my struggles I've been having.  It has caused me to really examine myself and my feelings about my current body image.

And know what I think about it now?  Who the f--- cares.  This is my body.  Who says I have to have a perfectly flat stomach?  Maybe this is the size my body wants to be.  That's ok.  All I can do is feed my body the best I can and exercise my body the way I feel.  If I loose weight, so be it.  If I don't, so be it.  I'm going to be happy with myself no matter what.

Because when I think back on it, even when I was smaller and weighed less, I wasn't happy.  I was always thinking that if I could only loose five more pounds, tighten up my tummy, get a firmer butt, and etc, THEN I'll be happy.  My happiness is a choice.  I'm going to choose to be happy with the body I have now.  No, it's not perfect.  But it's perfectly mine.

I urge you to do the same.  Love yourself as you are now.  Accept yourself as you are now.  You only get this one body in this lifetime.  Treat it well.

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