Tuesday, July 15, 2014

You Are Not Your Disease!!!

You are not your disease!!!  Got it?  You aren't.  You are so much more than it.  Now the eating disorder wants you to believe you are nothing without it, that your whole identity is wrapped up in it. But that is a lie.  You are a beautiful person who just so happens to be suffering with a horrible disease.  The disease is a small part of you.  Only a small part of you.

I remember a girl that was in my support group who was so scared to get better.  She said that for as long as she can remember she was always known as "the sick one".  She did not want to get better, because without the illness she felt she had nothing else.  Nothing else to make her stand out from the rest of her family.  I'm sure many of you have felt that way before.

Well now's the time to find something else to be known for.  Get rid of the "sick" image.  That's not serving you, nor anyone else.  Who would you be if you did not have this illness?  What would your plans for the future be?  What would you want to accomplish?  Because you can do all that and more.  You just have to let go of the limiting belief that this disease has on you.  Let it go.  You are an amazing person who was put here to do amazing things.  Do them!

To begin to see yourself without the disease, list five things about yourself that has nothing to do with the outside of you (appearance).  Mine might be:  I'm funny, caring, intuitive, quirky, and headstrong.

Basically I'm saying not to let the disease define you.  You are more than someone who is suffering from an eating disorder.  Hopefully in the future you won't be suffering from one at all.  Concentrate on all your good traits and let those blossom.  The world needs more great people like you.

love and light, kelly

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