Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Blame Game

The blame game.  We've all played it.  It's safe.  It takes the responsibility off of us.  But does it do us any good?  Hell no.

I used to play it a lot.  It wasn't my fault I had an eating disorder.  It was my mother's for agreeing with me that I needed to lose a few extra pounds.  It was the media's fault for always having stick thin models walking down the runway.  It was my boyfriends fault saying I needed to tighten up my stomach (which was brought on by all the drinking I was doing).  It was everyone's fault but mine.

Does this sound familiar to you?

To get better, I had to get real.  Who was starving me?  Me.  Who was sticking their finger down my throat?  Me.  Who was forcing me to do hours of exercise?  Me.  No one else, but me.  I had to take total responsibility.  It wasn't fun.  But until I could take blame, I would remain stuck in my disease.

As soon as you do recognize that it is you that is keeping you sick, PLEASE practice forgiveness towards yourself.  Do not remain stuck in the blame game with yourself.  It does not serve you.  You have beat yourself and mistreated yourself long enough.  It is time for self love.  Practice forgiveness everyday, towards yourself and others.  You will be a much happier person, believe me.

love and light, kelly

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