Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Coming Clean

I've been MIA lately.

I'm just going to throw it out there and come clean.

I've been tempted.  Really tempted.

Let me back up.

I had surgery in June.  Female surgery.  It has caused havoc with my hormones.  It has caused me to gain some weight which has decided to accumulate all in my stomach area.  All in my stomach.  If the weight had been distributed evenly, I'd be handling this a lot better.

My pity party started a few months ago.  I was out of my meds for almost a week (a big no-no right there).  I was in the bathtub and just staring at my belly.  You know it doesn't take much for the voice to get started.  It's always looking for a small opening to bust right through.  And bust right through it did.  Now I've been in recovery long enough to recognize the voice and its tricks.  I know not to fall for it.  And I didn't.  But man, did it drive me crazy.  It wouldn't shut the hell up.  The voice was really strong this time.  "You know how to loose that fat.  Come on, Kelly, just me two weeks, just two weeks.  I won't let it get bad this time.  I promise."  And on and on and on.  I thought I was going to go nuts.  This went on for a quite awhile.

I'm happy to say I did not go back to the old ways.

This is what I've been doing.  First I started exercising.  I thought well, it's fat.  Aerobics burn fat.  Let me do that.  One week of doing that reminded me of how much I hate aerobics and it brought back memories of when I would exercise for hours at a time.  So goodbye to that.

Portion control.  I'm not going to go without food.  I did that for far too long.  But I will eat my food, and wait about five minutes to see if I'm still hungry enough for a second helping.  This comes in handy for when I eat anything Italian.

And finally yoga.  I'm a big believer in yoga.  When I practice, it is not about my body.  It's about so much more.  It makes me feel good inside and out.  I don't think about the size of my stomach or any of the other supposed flaws I think I have.  There is something magical about yoga.  It is truly healing.

I guess what I'm trying to say is always work at recovery.  It really is a day to day process.  You never know when that damn voice is going to trip you up.  Hopefully you will be strong and resist.  If you can't though, be kind to yourself.  Get back up and begin again.  Reach out to someone.  When I was going through my stuff earlier, I would talk to someone I know that has also been through all this as well.  Her problem was drugs, but it's all the same.  Always remember YOU ARE STRONGER THAN THIS DISEASE!!!!

Next time I go through something like this, I promise not to neglect this blog.  I also promise to update this regularly.  We will all get through this together.

love and light, kelly

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